Monday, 27 July 2015

My Fifth Gotchaversary

A very big thank you for all the messages of support and good wishes both for today and for my recent Blogoversary.

Five years ago today I met Mummy and she brought me to my wonderful forever home - the rest, as they say, is history ...

I am having a lovely day full of hugs and cuddles and lots of treats - ham and cheese for breakfast and now prawns and smoked salmon (an extra treat to celebrate five very special years - Mummy is having some as well!).

This evening Mummy has promised to talk to me about the future - she says it will be our big adventure - so perhaps I shall have something exciting to report soon ...

Purrs ... Rainbow


  1. !!! ham...cheeze...AND salmon !!!! YAY !!! a veree happee gotcha day two ewe....we wish ewe another 55....sounds like yur havin an awesum day; enjoy yur fishes, mice crrem dishes & happee day wishes two ewe ♫♫♫♪♪

  2. Happy Gotcha Day!!! Sounds like you are having a great day.

  3. Happy Happy Gotcha Day!!!! I was gotted today too, but I was gotted EIGHT years ago!!! We sure are special, aren't we? Hope you had a great day! Love, Cody http://www.catchatwithcarenandcody

  4. Happy 5th Gotcha Day. Is there any ham and cheese left over for later?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. So glad you found such a good home. Happy Gotcha day to you. You have a great day.

  6. Ask your Mommy to help you write again about what happened on your Gotchaversary. xox

  7. Hope to see you blogging again. xox

  8. Happy Fifth Gotchaversary!!! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful day filled with delicious treats and fun times with the family. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
