Thursday, 29 November 2012

Rather a Setback

Hello everyone, Rainbow reporting!

Yes, I have had a problem and I have to admit that, as Mummy has pointed out, it is partly my own fault that it has gone on for so long.

A few days after my last post, Mummy went out for a long leisurely lunch with some friends ... and returned to find me with my left flank covered in blood. She made two quick telephone calls and then I was placed gently into my PTU (I was very good and did not try to escape!) for a visit to the dreaded V-E-T.

It was not clear what the problem was so the V-E-T shaved a large patch. The skin was very inflamed where I had chewed until I drew blood but for no obvious reason so, after antibiotic and anti-inflammatory jabs, I returned home with a bald patch, some pills and one of those horrid stiff collars.

I was making steady progress and feeling much better - the bald area was still irritating but nothing that a good chew would not sort out ... Yes, you've guessed ... I decided to remove my collar ...I went to show Mummy how clever I had been, but for some reason she was NOT impressed! My other two attempts to "self-medicate" were rather more discreet but, of course, all this slowed down my recovery.

Finally, the wounds have healed; the V-E-T is pleased (so is Mummy!). Best of all, the patch is not so bald!!

 A few days ago, I received this card.

I think it was a gentle reminder that I have been neglecting my blog!

It is good to be back - I have missed you all, especially my very special friend, Harry.

Belated Happy Thanksgiving.

Purrs ... Rainbow.


  1. Oh my goodness! I hope you're all better now! Poor kitty! We're glad to see you back!

  2. Please be careful, Rainbow. You don't want such nasty woulds to stick around.

    The Chans

  3. We're glad you're healing and have our paws crossed that you stay well from now on!

  4. welcome back two ewe rainbow; itz nice ta see ewe again N remember ya dont wanna CHEW off yur gorgeous coat...ya wanna SHOW off yur gorgeous coat :)

    ewe noe, a few good rolls on sum trout slices will haz your coat lookin nice N shiny two !!!

    hay, haza grate week on end....we R knot a loud on de computer on caturdays ore sundayz any mor.....


  5. Get well real soon, Rainbow!
    We'll be waiting for you =^.^=

  6. OMC, my special one. I wish I could have been there to hold your paw through the trauma of the V-E-T. And don't worry, bald spot or not, you are still a beautiful girl. When all is well again, I hope you can spare a special picture with me and all your friends here in the blogosphere. I need something special to remind me of my specialest friend.

  7. Miss Rainbow, there is a beautiful star waiting for you on our blog site!
    Dexter and Tipp (Harry is having an easy Sunday right now.)

  8. Thank goodness you are feeling much better and hope your furs are growing back all lush. Don't chew then off again please.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Sweet Rainbow, what an ordeal you went through! We're glad you're on the mend.
    Merry Christmas to you and your mum. We hope you have a great day.
