Saturday, 16 March 2013

Rainbow on Caturday

A few moments ago Mummy called me:

"Come on Rainbow",

she said and moved towards the computer, so now I am sitting on her lap, snoopervising ...

Yes, my blog is going to be updated - she is keeping her promise!

It was very cold earlier this week so, apart from a short spell on Tuesday when I was able to keep my fur warm as I sat by a sunny window, I spent most of the time in "tortoise mode", curled into a tight ball on my cosiest blanket.

Yesterday, I had a delicious surprise.

On Thursday evening, Mummy went to a Chinese Banquet; guess what she brought home? Yes, a "kitty-bag" full of special treats - chicken strips, duck and prawns - what a series of feasts, I have had.

So, that is the week, chez Rainbow - not very eventful, but I did enjoy my treats, especially the duck - thank you , Mummy!

Happy Caturday to you all.

Purrs ... Rainbow.


  1. That sounded like a very special dinner Rainbow and we're sure you loved every bite.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. HURRAH! Your Mummy is being a good servant and the prawns sound delicious!

  3. Wow--SCORE! What a great selection of treats. You have a way nicer Human than me!

  4. Hi Rainbow, My Human hardly ever brings me stuff (and to tell you the truth I am not really so interested in the Human food. I like my foods much better ;-)

    I hope by now you have gotted some of this tasty stuff!

  5. Thank you for your kind words on our loss of Eric. The many comments have been a great comfort to us.
